Leather Measuring Machine with Stamping
Compact measuring machine, with the stamping of the measures area on the leathers surface by means of a thermotransferable tape; As the lower conveyor is independent, leather can leave the machine by the front or rear part of the machine; Maximum allowed errors: more or less 1% of the measured value, since the area is over 0,60 m²; n Minimum measured area: 0,10 m² or 0,25ft² /4.
- On the reading line, leather is conveyed by means of two overlap conveyors, turning it smooth during measuring phase, what gives a great accuracy to measurement;
- Functions control of MMC-2000 Print is executed by a microcomputer that provides a large information rate;
- Package definition for skin or area;
- Area can be measured in m², ft² or ft² /4;
- Sum of the areas of the preceding packs;
- Area of the current pack;
- Data retention in case of power failure;
- Microprocessor system by 32 bits, with qwerty keyboard. Graphical display that keeps all information visible;
- Printer for shipping list issue, with additional data such as: Owner´s name, date, lot number, measurement, unit and total values;
- Stamping of the measures area on the leathers surface by means of a thermotransferable tape with Arabic stamp, four (4) digits. Robust construction and intelligent tape drive system.